Thursday, August 8, 2013


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> OSI layers explain the complete network communication process.
> It explains how the systems interact with each other.
> OSI layered architecture was designed by ISO & ITU-T.
        ISO- International standards Organization.
        ITU-T- International Telecommunication Union- Telecom standard sector.

 There are seven layers in OSI model. 

>Application, Presentation, Session layers are called Software Layers.
>Transport layer is called Heart nof OSI.
> Network, Data link, physical layers are called Hardware layers.

Application Layer 

Functions: -
> It provides user interface.
>It gives network services to the user.
> Identification of port No depends on service.

Presentation Layer

Function: -
> It converts data from standard format to machine format.
> Encryption and decryption.
>Compression and decompression.



Session layer

Functions: -
> It establish , maintains and terminates a logical session.


NFS- Network file system.
RPC- Remote Procedure call

Transport Layer

Functions -:
> Adding TCP/UDP header.
>Sequencing & Reassembling.
>Multiplexing & Demultiplexing.
> Error correction.
>Flow control.


TCP- Transmission Control Protocol.
UDP- User datagram Protocol.


> It is not possible to handle whole data as a Unit.
> TCP typically handles 64KB of data as payload.
>The data is divided into smaller segments.
> No of Segments = Total size / 64KB
> Example: 1MB of data is made into 16 segments

Adding TCP/UDP Header

> TCP/UDP Header is added to the data fragment.
> TCP Header size is 20 Bytes.

Sequencing & Reassembling :

> Segments will be rerranged if they arrive in different order.
> This can be done with the help of sequence number in TCP Header.

Multiplexing & Demultiplexing:

>When a system communicates with multiple systems, it sends segments to all systems simultaneously.

Error Correction:

> Destination system queries the source for missing segments. Source needs to resend them.

Flow Control:

>Speed is adjusted automatically between source and destination computers, if one of the computers is slower.

 Network Layer :

    >It provides logical IP Addressing Scheme.
    > IP Header is added at Network layer.
    > It chooses best path to destination.
    > Carries the data in the chosen path.


     >Routing Protocols:- Finds all possible paths and choose the best path.
               * RIP- Routing information Protocol.
               * IGRP-  Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
               * EIGRP- Enhanced IGRP.
               * OSPF- Open Shortest Path First.
               * ISIS- Intermediate system to Intermediate System.
   >Routed Protocols:- Carries the data in the chosen path.
               * IP- Internet protocol.
               * IPX- Internet packet exchange.
               * Apple  talk.

Data Link Layer:

   > It gives network services to the computer.
   > It does error detection (No correction) -FCS
   > Data link Header and Tailor are added to  the packet.

Protocols/sub layers:

    > MACSub Layer : Media Access Control
                       * LAN protocol ( LAN connectivity)      





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